2021 Summer Camp

For High School Aged PLAYERS


SATURDAY, August 7th, 2021 -
WEDNESDAY, August 11th, 2021


Email Coach Chiavaroli to inquire about goalkeeper spots for camp


SATURDAY, August 7th, 2021 -
FRIDAY, August 20th, 2021


1888 Brett Ln,
Saltsburg, PA 15681

For general camp questions please contact
Coach Chiavaroli: jchiavaroli@futbolgoals.us

For any billing, or technical questions, email:


  • Futbol Goals USA caps the number of players at camp to ensure a high quality experience for all campers and coaches.
  • For all outdoor activities, campers are able to be mask-free. Masks will only need to be worn in common areas such as the dorms, gyms, and cafeterias.
  • Confirmed clinicians: Reuben Berk, Mike Singleton, Rob Brandell, Michael Tringali.
  • All games and goalkeeper practice will be videotaped, available in 4K and Full HD resolutions via private YouTube and direct download for players and their families.
  • Preseason is for players who want intense training and lifting to prepare for their upcoming fall seasons.
  • SAT Preparation available for additional charge.

ID Camp Clinicians

Reuben Burk

Connecticut College


Mike Singleton

Washington & Lee

Rob Brandell


Travis Wall

St. Olaf


Confirmed Colleges Attending

Colleges that have attended previous Futbol Goals USA Camps and Clinics

Division I

Division III

List of Colleges that Futbol Goals USA Players have been admitted to:

Hobart and William Smith College

Union College

Rochester Institute of Technology

Colby Sawyer College

Connecticut College

Brandeis University

Suffolk University

St. Olaf College

UMass Amherst

Providence College

University of Arizona

Syracuse University

Lynn University

Springfield College

St. Louis University

Flagler College

Boston College




Seton Hall

University of Hartford

Skidmore College

Babson College

Lehigh University

Claremont McKenna College

University of Chicago

Haverford College

Wesleyan College

Amherst College

Army West Point

Denison University

Hamilton College

High Point University

Missouri State University

University of Delaware

Gardner-Webb University



Frequently Asked Questions

Please review these FAQs to find the answers to your questions. If your question is not below, please contact John Chiavaroli at: jchiavaroli@futbolgoals.us. Thank you for considering our camp for your son!
All campers will have to take a rapid antigen test during the registration process. A nurse will administer the test. There is no charge for the first rapid test, and there is a $10 charge for any additional rapid test.
Families may do one of two things if their child needs a PCR test to return home. Families can order a PCR test through Kiski by informing Coach Chiavaroli via email before July 15th. The charge is $100 per PCR test. Or families can order PCR tests online before camp so campers bring them to camp and may self-administer the test during camp. We suggest Pixel, by Labcorp. We can help campers mail the contents of the Pixel test kit so they get their results emailed to them within the 72-hour window before their flight home.
Each family must ensure that their son has health insurance for this camp. International campers, even those who already attend a boarding school in the USA, may not be covered by their family’s, or their school’s, health insurance plan. Many boarding school insurance policies don’t begin until August 15th, so it is necessary that each family purchase a supplementary insurance policy for this camp. We recommend the following two providers if your son is in need of coverage.  

Families must pay for camp via the credit card or PayPal payment process on our website.

Families must pay for camp ($895.00) in full at the time of registration.
Families must pay for camp and preseason ($1,995.00) in full at the time of registration.

SAT prep will be available to campers during our preseason from August 11th to August 20th. This optional preparation must be reserved directly with Kiski School. Please use this link for more information: www.Kiski.org/FGUSA

There are no discounts for camp.  We cap the number of campers in order to ensure a high-quality experience for everyone who attends. Your son is guaranteed plenty of quality playing time to showcase their skills in front of the college coaches in attendance. College coaches will be able to thoroughly assess your son’s ability to play for their program during camp. We have had college coaches offer roster spots to campers after watching them play over our five-day camp alone!

Standard Refund Policy
Payments for camp and preseason are fully refundable until June 15th. Families who cancel their registration after June 15th will not receive a refund. All cancellation requests must be sent in writing to: jchiavaroli@futbolgoals.us

Covid-19 Refund Policy
We continue to organize our camps despite the threat of the Covid-19 coronavirus, and we are fully aware that the virus may affect our ability to run our camp this summer. If we cancel camp due to Pennsylvania restrictions pertaining to Covid-19, then Futbol Goals will either fully refund families who have paid for camp or apply a portion of their payment to cover the Futbol Goals’ clinics we plan on running on the same dates as our camp. We expect to have the same clinicians and colleges coaches in attendance if we are forced to run clinics. Please understand that families will be responsible for their own meals and accommodations if we need to switch to clinics. We strongly suggest that families organizing air travel to our camp purchase ticket insurance so they may receive reimbursement from the airline in case of cancellation due to covid. Pennsylvania state guidelines will be the most significant factor in determining whether we will be able to run our camp this summer.  We are confident that we will be able to run a great camp this August!

Please see camp schedules on the Schedule section of this page.

Campers should bring everything they need for the 5-day camp. Laundry machines are accessible in the dorms for campers free of charge. Campers’ packing list should include all of their soccer gear; all of the athletic clothing that you plan on wearing during training; comfortable clothing for free time and recruiting seminars; sandals to keep your feet from blistering; a personal water bottle; toiletries; bed sheets; a towel; and only necessary electronics. Do not bring expensive items that you do not need. Please review the camp schedule for planning purposes.


If campers cannot bring a towel, sheets, or a pillow due to packing limitations during travel, please contact Coach Chiavaroli so he can set you up with a bedding rental. There is a $50 charge for one set of these items. Payment for these items must be made at the beginning of camp to one of the directors. Futbol Goals will not divide bedding rentals. All rentals include a towel, bed sheets, a pillow, and a pillow case. 

Campers should bring everything they need for this 14-day experience. Laundry machines are accessible in the dorms for campers free of charge. Your packing list should include all of your soccer gear; all of the athletic clothing that you plan on wearing during training; comfortable clothing for free time and recruiting seminars; sandals to keep your feet from blistering; a personal water bottle; toiletries; bed sheets; a towel; and only necessary electronics. Campers should also consider bringing their assigned summer work, a laptop, and other devices to keep them engaged during free time. 

If campers cannot bring a towel, sheets, or a pillow due to packing limitations during travel, please contact Coach Chiavaroli so he can set you up with a bedding rental. There is a $50 charge for one set of these items. Payment for these items must be made at the beginning of camp to one of the directors. Futbol Goals will not divide bedding rentals. All rentals include a towel, bed sheets, a pillow, and a pillow case. 

Campers do not need to bring a soccer ball for training. Soccer balls will be provided for them.

Yes, our chef will provide the campers with multiple options for meals. Campers should choose the foods that they can eat safely. If campers have a severe food allergy, or medical condition, they should notify Coach Chiavaroli via email prior to the start of camp so he can make accommodations. 

Yes, the Futbol Goals staff has excellent goalkeeper trainers on staff. 

Our staff includes a licensed trainer who will be with us throughout the entire camp. Any injury or illness will be communicated immediately to parents. If a severe injury or illness (other can Covid) occurs, then we will contact the camper’s family and transport them to the nearest hospital or emergency clinic.

The directors at Futbol Goals are committed to the safety of each camper. ID games are competitive; however, dangerous play of any kind, including unsportsmanlike behavior, will not be tolerated. Campers who engage in dangerous play, or unsportsmanlike behavior, will be required to sit on the bench and forfeit valuable playing time to showcase their skills in front of college coaches.

Campers are able to request roommates prior to camp. Our staff will do everything possible to accommodate roommate requests, but we cannot guarantee all requests. Our staff will prioritize health and safety above all else when assigning roommates.

The closest major airport to our Kiski camp is Pittsburgh International (PIT).

Futbol Goals does not provide transport to and from our camps. Campers have used Uber, taxis, and other limousine services to get to camp and return to the airport. Here is a company that Kiski students use for transportation services from Pittsburg International Airport:

Elite Coach Transportation: +1 (800) 488-7775, (724) 325-2626, (412) 281-1111

Please check with your local U.S. embassy for visa information. Obtaining a visa, if required, is the responsibility of the family who registers for camp. Futbol Goals will provide an invitation letter to camp if that is necessary for the visa.

Please check with your airline regarding details about their policy for unaccompanied minors. Futbol Goals does not provide assistance with this matter, but we will provide the family an invitation letter to camp if that is necessary. 

Campers are responsible for the cost of replacing lost room keys.

Parents cannot stay on campus after dropping the campers off. They cannot watch training and ID games from the stands. We ask that parents do not approach the college coaches during camp. The coaches must be free from distractions so they can assess the players’ level without interruptions. Parents are not allowed to eat in the dining hall, nor are they allowed to spend their free time in the dorms during camp.

Yes, we are videotaping goalkeeper training and ID games so players may create highlight tapes for their recruiting process. Game footage and goalkeeper training video will be available the week after camp concludes.

There are numerous hotels and B&Bs in the area. We suggest looking for hotels in the Delmont/ Blairsville, Pennsylvania, area. All hotels are roughly 20 minutes from campus.

Campers cannot arrive to campus early or leave late. Kiski camp participants should arrive at the designated registration time on August 7th and leave no later than 2 pm on August 11th.

Yes. Release of liability forms are necessary for participation in this camp. Kiski School and Futbol Goals USA each have their own release forms that must be signed and returned before the start of camp. All forms can be found on our website and are part of the registration process for camp.

Campers should bring spending money with them if they wish to purchase snacks, drinks, and pizza at the camp store in the evening.

Fubol Goals directors will review important camp rules on the first day of camp to ensure a safe environment for everyone. Campers must follow these rules, or they risk being dismissed from camp by a Futbol Goals director. The camper’s parents will be notified by a Futbol Goals director immediately upon learning about a rule violation.

If a camper is dismissed, they must collect their belongings and leave campus on the day of their dismissal. They may not stay at camp for any reason, and their family will not receive a refund. Dismissed campers are responsible for their own expenses once they are dismissed.

Health and Safety Plan

Camp Director John Chiavaroli will be the Safety and Health Coordinator for camp. He will be the point person for all concerns health related. He will answer questions for campers and their families, and he will contact families if any health issues arise during camp.

All campers, staff, coaches, and directors must wear their masks over their nose and mouth when indoors during camp.  Only cloth or fabric masks that cover the nose and mouth are acceptable. Campers will be able to remove their masks during indoor meals and when campers are in their own dorm rooms with their roommate. Campers should bring many masks so they can wash or dispose of them after use. Campers are not required to wear masks when outdoors. 

Campers, staff, coaches, and directors must social distance as much as possible throughout the camp. Staff members will assist campers with social distancing while they are on the sidelines, during transition times between events, in the dining areas, and in dormitory entrances/exits and hallways.
Campers and coaches are not permitted to enter any dorm room other than their own; they are not allowed to congregate in common areas; and they must use their assigned bathroom only. When in the dorm, campers must stay in their rooms. Only staff and directors may move from room to room to conduct room checks.
A Futbol Goals staff member or director will conduct daily room checks to promote clean and safe living conditions for the campers. Room checks will require the campers to wipe down their dorm furniture and personal belongings with sanitizing wipes, empty the trash, open windows, and organize loose items in the room.  The staff member will also check each camper for covid symptoms, including their temperature, and remind campers to wash their hands for 20 seconds and not touch their face.
Roommate assignments will prioritize the safety of the campers. We will do our best to accommodate requests, but travel plans and the team placement will dictate roommate assignments.
Dorm beds will be spaced out so that campers sleep as far apart as possible.
Bathrooms will be cleaned daily with sanitizing wipes, and they may be cleaned more than once per day after heavy use. Campers will be advised not to place their toiletries on bathroom countertops.
Hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol will be available throughout the dorms. Campers, coaches, staff and directors must use it every time they enter and exit their dorm, enter Kiski’s dining hall, and walk on and off the soccer fields.
Laundry machines are available for campers to use free of charge during camp. They are being provided to keep the dorm rooms sanitary and keep clothes and masks clean.  Campers are not allowed to congregate by the laundry machines. There will be a laundry sign up sheet to ensure there is a schedule for campers to do their laundry and social distance.
Soccer equipment used in training and games will be wiped down with sanitizing wipes after each use.  Soccer pinnies will be washed between every practice or game.
If any camper is showing covid symptoms, they will be isolated and tested immediately with a rapid antigen test.
Campers, coaches, staff members, or directors who test positive for Covid-19 will be able to quarantine on Kiski’s campus for the necessary amount of time required by the state of Pennsylvania. Kiski School has dedicated a dorm for quarantining. Campers’ parents will be notified immediately if they test positive, and they will be responsible for any and all associated costs of keeping the camper quarantined for the necessary time requirement.
Any person who has been in prolonged close contact, such as a roommate, coach or staff member, with a camper who tests positive for Covid-19 will be isolated and tested immediately with a rapid antigen test. 

Each camp team will be broken up into multiple small pods for camp. These pods will spend most of their time at camp together, and they should interact at a close distance with other pods of campers unless they are on the field of play.  These pods will room, eat, and socialize together during camp.
Futbol Goals directors will post signs in the dorm, dining areas, and fields to remind campers to social distance and practice good hygiene.
Campers who have difficulty following these health and safety guidelines may be dismissed from camp at the sole discretion of the camp directors.  A director will be in touch with the family prior to making any decision to dismiss a camper.

3:00 pm – 5:00 pm: Registration and camp gear pick-up
5:15 pm – 5:45 pm: Dinner
6:45 pm – 8:45 pm: Training sessions or GAMES
9:30 pm: Camp Meeting
10:30 pm: Room check and lights out

8:45 am – 9:15 am: Breakfast

10:30 am – 12:00 pm: Light training & feedback session

12:45 pm – 1:15 pm: Lunch 

2:00 pm – 5:00 pm: Recruiting Seminar & Recovery time

5:15 pm – 5:45 pm: Dinner

6:45 pm – 8:45 pm: GAMES

10:30 pm: Room Check & Lights out

8:45 am – 9:15 am: Breakfast

10:30 am – 12:00 pm: Light training & feedback session

12:45 pm – 1:15 pm: Lunch 

2:00 pm – 4:00 pm: Recovery time

5:15 pm – 5:45 pm: Dinner

6:45 pm – 8:45 pm: GAMES

10:30 pm: Room Check & Lights out

8:45 am – 9:15 am: Breakfast

10:30 am – 12:00 pm: Light training & feedback session

12:45 pm – 1:15 pm: Lunch 

2:00 pm – 4:00 pm: Recovery time

5:15 pm – 5:45 pm: Dinner

6:45 pm – 8:45 pm: GAMES

10:30 pm: Room Check & Lights out

8:45 am – 9:15 am: Breakfast

10:00 am – 11: 00 am: 3rd PLACE GAME

11:00 am – 12:00 pm: FINAL

12:15 pm: Closing meeting

12:30 pm – 2 pm: Clean up and check out

Game Footage Videos Posted on YouTube

Coach Matt Kokoszka

Coach Matt Kokoszka

Founder, Futbol goals USA
Former Coach, The Kiski School

As a player, coach, teacher, and parent, founder, Matt Kokoszka molded his career perfectly to develop this organization. As a young player, he first set foot on the field as a natural and remained a premier performer at every level of play all the way forward – from travel leagues to Olympic Development through college, where he finished with an NCAA championship title and a Bachelors of Science from St. Lawrence University. After college, Coach Kokoszka coached varsity soccer at The Kiski School and has been recruiting internationally for over a decade.

Coach John Chiavaroli

Coach John Chiavaroli

Camp Director, Futbol Goals USA
Head Coach, Williston Northampton

Coach Chiavaroli has a keen sense of what it takes to compete at the highest level of New England prep school play, receiving numerous all-state & all-star accolades as captain of the varsity soccer team at Choate Rosemary Hall. He continued his playing career at Kenyon, where he received the Rookie Of The Year Award and an All-NCAC Honorable Mention. After College he played semi-professionally in Europe. Coach Chiavaroli holds a Premier Diploma from the National Soccer Coaches Association of America and a B License from the United States Soccer Federation.

Coach Jonty Loukes

Coach Jonty Loukes

Camp Director, Futbol Goals USA
Head Coach, The Kiski School

Coach Loukes is from Sheffield, England, and is in his 4th year as head coach of The Kiski School soccer program. Coach Loukes grew up in the professional game in England, playing for Barnsley Football Club from the age of 7 to 19. At 19 Coach Loukes played in the fifth tier of English soccer for 2 years before making the move to the USA at 21. Coach Loukes began his coaching career while playing professionally in England, where he earned the UEFA C coaching license. As Coach Loukes has worked through the coaching licenses in the USA he most recently earned the United Soccer Coaches Premier Diploma in the summer of 2017.

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